This will be my next homebrew project, a morse practice oscillator circuit.
9W2AZV and I are going to build this as we are preparing ourselves to perfect our Morse code sending/receiving skills.
In the spirit of amateur radio/ham, we will homewbrew the equipment using easily obtainable parts from our nearest electronic stores.
Here’s the circuit
We are still thinking of the easiest and cheapest way to homebrew the keyer, but we are considering to use discarded/faulty computer mouse as our first keyer.
As a bonus, we thought of hooking this keyer straight to PC serial port, so we could use it with
XChat CWirc plugin to enable us to test our Morse skill on the irc.
With the amount of work i’m having this week, I would estimate that this project would be completed by the end of March. So stay tune for photos!
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